Shipping Policy

NextDay Courier and Cargo will carry goods which are property of shipper.

NextDay Courier and Cargo have the right to decide the mode of carriage of the shipper's goods by any route and procedure and by successive carriers and according to its own handling,storage and transportation mode.

It is all shipper's responsibility to ensure that:

All shipments tendered to NextDay Courier and Cargo for carriage are prepared and packed sufficiently to protect the contents and ensure safe transportation with ordinary care in handling.

Each Package within shipment should be legibly and durably marked with full name and address of both the shipper and the consignee.NextDay Courier and Cargo accepts no responsibility for consequence of inadequate packing or lacks of sufficient addresse information necessary to effect delivery. All required document is provided to NextDay Courier and Cargo.

Knowledge and compliance of the prevaling laws,rules,regulation and procedures applicable to the carriage of this shipment is the responsibility of the shipper.

NextDay Courier and Cargo shall not liable for any loss claim,cost and /or whatover damage

Suffered by the shipper or consignee of the agent,representative employee of the shipppper of the consignee as the consequence of loss,damage,delay,misdelivery or Non-delivery of consoignment entrusted to NextDay Courier and Cargo carriage.

To the shipment due to delay in accepting or delivering the shipment it is due to acts of god force majeure,occurrences

caused by act fault or omission of the shipper ,the consignee or any other party who claims an interest in shipment.

caused by the nature of the shipment or any effect characteristics inherent vice there of includingelectrical or magnetic injuryerase or other such damages to photographic image or recording in any manner.

To consignments held by enforcement authorities or any other statutory or regulatory for want of required documentation and /or payment of levels and /or contravention of laws.